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New Beginnings Lead to New Endings

It would be fair to say that most of us would like to re-write our life’s script.

Some might like to re-write a life of financial struggle to one of affluence, believing that this would lead to a better life now.

People, who have experienced abuse at the hands of parental figures, want to go back and change their parents, so that deeply painful experiences like this cease to mar their life narrative.

Others see a wasted youth and want to go back and pay more attention at school, thinking they may have better careers now.

The reality is that however you look at it, no one can go back and make a brand-new start, but anyone can start from now, and write a brand-new ending.

Very few people have had the perfect start to life, the perfect upbringing, had the perfect education, had the perfect parents, had or have the perfect marriage(s), or been the perfect parent.

Living in the land of ‘what if’ and ‘if only,’ will cause us to miss out on taking hold of opportunities that present themselves in ‘the now’ and prevent us from turning our scars into stars.

How often have you been inspired by people who overcame incredible odds?

How often have you been inspired by someone who took hold of an opportunity though barely qualified?

How often have you been inspired by someone advanced in years, kicking goals for a cause with the energy of someone 10 years younger?

Refuse to live in the land of ‘what if’ and ‘if only’. Look at what is in your hand NOW and breathe new life into it.

Start writing a new script of how you want your life to be. Gather the needed tools, surround yourself with people who can offer wise counsel and don't deviate from a can-do attitude.

Seize the day – New beginnings lead to new endings.


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